Sunday, October 5, 2014

Tickets On Sale, Of Course

I hadn't looked at my horoscope for weeks, but following the disappearance of direction, I glanced at what Risa De Angeles had to say in this weeks "Good Times":

 "As an entirely different set of ideals (values, goals) appear, you begin to view your life differently.

 Notice rules have changed, previous values less important, things taken for granted are no longer useful, and perhaps your faith is being tested.  It’s time for new studies, adventures, and travels to new cultures.  The confusion felt will not last forever.  

Life becomes more realistic.  You do too."

Excuse me? 
"Perhaps" my faith is being tested?  

Not only is my faith being tested, it's being redefined, rewritten, and reconsidered.  It's being re-examined.   
I'm reflecting on it, and what faith of any kind, requires. 

I'm wondering if it's time I actually follow it. 
I'm wondering if I can become 'realistic'.

Sync It Over

It's ironic to be exploring my capacity for realistic in a post that begins with a horoscope (even if it does accurately summarize recent events, and thoughts).   It's even more ironic to be exploring my capacity for Faith from the foothold of a failed life.

The question I'm being asked is the one we all, eventually, answer:  Do you feel 'directed', like your inner and outer world are in sync, and shape each other?  Or do you draw a map toward what you want, and impose it over the terrain of the world with a 'take no prisoners' attitude?  

Self-Will vs. Faith... 
The battle you've been wanting to see. 
Two will enter, One will leave.  
The celebrity death match.
**Tickets on sale now.

My alliance should be obvious, based on my use of a horoscope, as proof.  I'm on Team Faith.

I know.
It's silly to me, as well.  But it's the truth.  

It's a truth rooted deeply in the reappearing cycles that define my existence, and deepen the spirituality I've chosen to cultivate. 

It's the belief that supports my world view.  
It's the belief that gives meaning to my life. 
It's the belief that tells me the place I occupy in the world is the one I was meant to, despite all difficulty.

It's also the belief that prevents me from being 'realistic'.

Re: Ality

The responses I received from some parents have confused me further.  They contain the only remarks I've received in my lifetime,  where someone's perception coincided with my objectives.  
What I was intending to accomplish was actually being accomplished.  
And embraced. 
Some of their comments are included below...

All of this has delivered me to where I've remained my entire life.  I'm lost before I begin again.

Unless where I begin is the same place where everything ends.

These are a few:

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!! M is going to be so upset!!!   You sparked her interest, and got her motivated, which is not easy to do.   You grabbed her attention, and made her want to write."  

"My son has done an excellent job in your class, and thinks of you as his favorite teacher.  You are "really cool" and this is not something ALL, or many teachers, possess.   But YOU DO. We will miss you, and your style of teaching.  YOU GOT TO MY CHILD.  I thank you for that."

"It will be our children's loss. K will be so sad to hear this.  Thank you for showing them how to look at the world differently, to take into consideration the other person's point of view.   We had a whole dinner conversation about the "rock stacking". You will be missed."
Heavy prayers that an act of God happens today! No others words to say.  God Bless you!CB 
I'm so sorry to hear this!  Aidan loved having you as a teacher and I could see how you inspired the kids.  Please don't give up as I think we need more teachers like you!KD
I am so sorry to hear this.   It will be our loss to lose you as a teacher.   I hope you are able to finish up you classes and continue teaching in the future.  Our schools really need teachers like you that care about the students and inspire them to do better.   Good luck to you.LP

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