Saturday, May 3, 2014

Get Gone

Who am I kidding with this authenticity shit?  I've never gotten anything right, and I'm shooting for the biggest thing of all.  The fact is, too much damage has been done, and it would be best for everyone to accept that, and move on.  So why can't I?  

Well, for starters, I'm an idealist.  I don't know when I became one, or why I still am, but there it is.  I believe the best is possible, and that there's goodness in all of us.  Even in the worst among us, like me.  Maybe that's why I want to 'be authentic'.  I need to prove to myself I'm something different than what I am.

And there's that voice I hear, the one I've heard all my life but have never identified.  The one that won't let me rest, like some relentless 5 year-old: "Put others before yourself.  Help people. Do your penance.  Put others before yourself.  Help people. Do your penance".  Shut the fuck up, already.  I just want to be happy.  Is there something wrong with wanting to be happy?  

I keep telling myself if I can be real for just one moment I'll be happy, really happy, and I hate to say it, but I'm starting to wonder if I want to be. Or if I can be, because I'm not sure anymore. I'm incapable of small talk, and platitudes, and other tools of happiness. So what now? Why the fuck am I here if I'm barred from knowing what it means to be content? How much kindness am I to show others before some is shown to me?

To hell with everyone else. What do I want?

I've had people show up for me on occasion, but they never asked what I need. They told me. Sure I can talk to them, as long as I don't demean someone who's publicly demeaning me, and as long as I admit my truth isn't the right truth They brought their spoons full of remedies and said, "It's the medicine you've been prescribed, and you'll take it". When I refused, they vanished. What kind of messed up equation is that? Mother Theresa, and the Una-Bomber, make so much sense right now.

Unless I were to leave. Just get gone, and be. Now, that would be authentic.  

Maybe what I'm looking for isn't here. Maybe the only connection I can have with people is from afar, under a pseudo-name. Maybe this overhaul will be more painful than I anticipated.

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